THE Role of Accountants in Managing Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT Accounting)

  • March 8, 2023
  • OHI

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate. They offer a way for individual investors to earn a share of the income produced through commercial real estate ownership without having to buy, manage, or finance properties themselves. Managing REITs involves intricate financial operations and stringent regulatory compliance, making the role of accountants pivotal in ensuring their successful administration. This blog will explore the essential functions of accountants in managing REITs, detailing their responsibilities, the challenges they face, and the critical importance of their work in maintaining the financial health and compliance of these entities.     
Have you ever considered the benefits of hiring an accountant specializing in managing real estate investment trusts (REITs)?

Overview of REITs

REITs were created by Congress in 1960 to enable investors to invest in large-scale, income-producing real estate. They allow individual investors to earn dividends from real estate investments without having to buy, manage, or finance any properties themselves. To qualify as a REIT, a company must comply with certain regulatory requirements, including:

  1. Asset Test: At least 75% of a REIT’s total assets must be invested in real estate, cash, or U.S. Treasuries.
  2. Income Test: At least 75% of a REIT’s gross income must come from rents, interest on mortgages financing real property, or from sales of real estate.
  3. Distribution Requirement: REITs must distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends.

The Role of Accountants in REIT Management

Accountants play a crucial role in managing REITs by ensuring accurate financial reporting, maintaining regulatory compliance, and providing insights for strategic decision-making. Their responsibilities encompass various aspects of financial management, from day-to-day operations to long-term financial planning.

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Accurate financial reporting is fundamental to the operation of REITs. Accountants are responsible for preparing financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. These documents provide a clear picture of the REIT’s financial health and operational performance.

  1. Preparation of Financial Statements: Accountants compile and present financial data in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This involves recording revenues from property rentals, calculating operating expenses, and reporting on asset valuations.
  2. Quarterly and Annual Reports: REITs are required to file quarterly and annual reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Accountants ensure these reports are accurate, comprehensive, and submitted on time.
  3. Investor Relations: Financial reports are essential tools for communicating with investors. Accountants prepare detailed reports that help investors understand the REIT’s performance and make informed investment decisions.

Regulatory Compliance

REITs are subject to rigorous regulatory requirements that govern their operations. Accountants ensure that the REIT complies with all relevant laws and regulations, thereby avoiding legal penalties and maintaining investor confidence.

  1. Tax Compliance: REITs enjoy special tax treatment, provided they meet certain criteria. Accountants manage tax filings, ensure compliance with the distribution requirement, and take advantage of tax benefits.
  2. Securities Regulations: As publicly traded entities, REITs must adhere to SEC regulations. Accountants oversee compliance with these regulations, including the timely and accurate filing of financial disclosures.
  3. Internal Controls: Accountants establish and maintain internal controls to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting. This includes implementing procedures to prevent fraud and financial mismanagement.

Asset Management and Valuation

Effective asset management is critical to the success of REITs. Accountants play a key role in valuing properties, managing assets, and making strategic decisions to maximize returns.

  1. Property Valuation: Accountants assess the value of real estate assets using various valuation methods. Accurate property valuations are essential for financial reporting, investment analysis, and strategic planning.
  2. Asset Allocation: Accountants help in the allocation of resources across different properties and investment opportunities. This involves analyzing market trends, assessing risks, and optimizing the REIT’s portfolio for maximum returns.
  3. Acquisitions and Dispositions: Accountants evaluate potential property acquisitions and dispositions, conducting financial due diligence and assessing the impact on the REIT’s financial health.

Financial Planning and Strategy

Strategic financial planning is essential for the long-term success of REITs. Accountants provide insights and analysis that inform strategic decisions and help achieve the REIT’s financial goals.

  1. Budgeting and Forecasting: Accountants prepare budgets and financial forecasts, projecting future revenues, expenses, and cash flows. These projections help REITs plan for growth, manage risks, and allocate resources effectively.
  2. Capital Management: Accountants oversee the management of capital, including raising funds through equity or debt offerings, managing cash reserves, and optimizing the cost of capital.
  3. Investment Analysis: Accountants conduct detailed financial analysis to evaluate potential investment opportunities. This includes assessing the expected return on investment, analyzing risks, and recommending investment strategies.

Challenges Faced by Accountants in REITs

Managing the financial operations of REITs presents several challenges that accountants must navigate to ensure the success and compliance of these entities.

  1. Complex Regulations: REITs are subject to complex and ever-changing regulations. Accountants must stay current with regulatory changes and ensure compliance to avoid legal penalties and maintain investor confidence.
  2. Market Volatility: Real estate markets can be volatile, with fluctuations in property values, rental income, and interest rates. Accountants must manage these uncertainties and provide accurate financial reporting despite market volatility.
  3. Technological Advancements: The increasing use of technology in real estate and finance requires accountants to stay updated with the latest tools and software. This includes implementing advanced accounting systems, data analytics, and cybersecurity measures.
  4. Stakeholder Communication: Accountants must effectively communicate financial information to a diverse group of stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and management. This requires clear, concise, and transparent reporting.

The Importance of Accounting Outsourcing in REITs

Given the complexity and demands of REIT accounting, many companies opt for accounting outsourcing services. Outsourcing provides several benefits that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of REIT management.

  1. Access to Expertise: Accounting outsourcing firms specialize in real estate and REIT accounting, providing access to a team of experts with in-depth knowledge and experience. This expertise ensures accurate financial reporting, compliance, and strategic planning.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house accounting team. It eliminates the need for hiring, training, and retaining specialized accounting staff, reducing overhead costs.
  3. Scalability: Outsourcing firms offer scalable solutions that can adapt to the REIT’s needs. Whether managing a small portfolio or a large, diverse portfolio, outsourcing firms provide the necessary resources and support.
  4. Focus on Core Activities: By outsourcing accounting functions, REIT management can focus on core activities, such as property management, acquisitions, and investor relations. This allows for more strategic and efficient use of resources.


Accountants play a critical role in managing Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), ensuring accurate financial reporting, regulatory compliance, effective asset management, and strategic financial planning. Their expertise and diligence are essential to the success and stability of REITs, providing investors with confidence and transparency.

Given the complexities of REIT accounting, many companies benefit from accounting outsourcing services. Outsourcing offers access to specialized expertise, cost efficiency, scalability, and the ability to focus on core activities. By leveraging the skills and knowledge of outsourced accounting professionals, REITs can navigate the challenges of the real estate market and achieve their financial goals. In the dynamic and competitive world of real estate investment, the role of accountants is indispensable. Their contributions to financial management, compliance, and strategic

About Us

OHI is a sixteen-year-old real estate services company working with 100+ commercial and residential real estate developers, funds and property management companies across USA. Our deep expertise in real estate accounting, financial analysis, lease administration and asset management has helped clients cut associated costs by 40-50%. We currently provide these services to a portfolio of 150,000 units across clients.

OHI provides REIT accounting and related services through our team of experienced real estate portfolio accountants. OHI team members are well versed with US GAAP norms including real estate accounting rules including Real Estate Information Standards (REIS) as per NCREIF. OHI has experience with real estate companies that own and manage office, multifamily, retail, industrial and other real estate investments, including proficiency in both traditional and mortgage REITs. – VIEW MORE

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